Meanwhile, Trump has spoken privately with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, saying it is time for Ukraine to repay the U.S. for aid it has provided since Russia invaded and occupied its eastern part in February three years ago. Trump has asked Ukraine to pay in the form of rare earth minerals, which are essential for the development of superson
"Sunai" questions Thai government's belief in verbal promise to send 40 Uighurs to China
Today (28 Feb 2025), Mr. Sunai Phasuk, Human Rights Watch Thailand advisor, said that the damage has already occurred and that this is not the first time that Thailand has sent Uighurs back to China. In terms of human rights, this is called forced return because it cannot prove the Thai government's claim that the group truly voluntarily agreed. No
Good blood pressure = good life. Tips for maintaining accurate blood pressure readings before having to rely on medication.
Have you ever measured your blood pressure and seen the numbers 120/80 or 140/90 and wondered what the upper/lower values ??mean and what these numbers tell you about your body? Let's find the answers. Blood pressure is the pressure inside the arteries caused by the contraction of the heart sending blood through the blood vessels, carrying
A complete examination of the government of Yingluck, the big boss, civil servants and bodyguards.
Even in the opposition's motion for a no-confidence motion against the government, it was mentioned that Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, voluntarily allowed Mr. Thaksin to lead and manipulate her to act or refrain from acting on important national issues, acting like a puppet Prime Minister, with her father as the real Prime Minist
Old Notes Revive “Police Lieutenant Jae” on a Mission to Find His Benefactor
In 1993, a baby boy was born with a weak body, sick and ill to the point where his condition worsened to a critical level. Pediatricians in Phitsanulok at that time tried to save his life, but to no avail. Until the night of November 1, which seemed to be the last day of the baby's life, the father tried to find a way to help him until he found out